+351 962 298 800 be@wenger-trayner.com

Etienne & Bev Wenger-Trayner

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Finally – I’m seen!

Systems conveners: essential workers long term In 2014, we wrote a chapter on what we called “systems conveners,” people who work to increase learning capability across a whole social landscape that includes many practices, institutions, and stakeholders. It’s not...

Creating community online

The other day we did a BEtreat workshop, originally scheduled to be face-to-face, online and over three days. It was with clients who were preparing to launch an online community of practice. The workshop generated some of the same feelings of camaraderie and joint...

2020 BEtreat workshops

We're excited (really excited) to share that we have found a new home for our BEtreat workshops for social learning leaders. More pics to come when we've finished painting and restoration work. The house was built in the '60's by a Mexican architect and the high...

BEtreat Portugal – how was it?

It's embarrassing to be so tardy with blog posts, but here goes... Our workshops for social learning leaders in Setúbal, Portugal were a great success - at least that was the feedback and most people signed up to come again! We worked together round the table in the...

Save the date: BEtreat Portugal

You asked for it! We’re doing it. We’ll be running a retreat for leaders of social learning, including communities of practice and networks, in Setúbal (50 kilometers south of Lisbon) from June 5 - 8, 2018. Hold the date, we’ll be...

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