+351 962 298 800 be@wenger-trayner.com

This might be what you call slow blogging!

BEtreat Slovenia was a first. It was the first time we held a BEtreat workshop in Europe. And it was the first time we did one in an institution – rather than in an informal setting. We were a little apprehensive but the CEF (Centre of Excellence in Finance in Ljubljana, Slovenia) shared everything from their office furniture to their know-how to create a fabulous environment where we could work intensively, but informally and with a lot of fun and camaraderie. Added bonus was the city, Ljubljana. Just visit it, if you haven’t already!

The workshop was a first for some people, but a second, third and even fifth for others! We did it in response to numerous requests for somewhere closer than Grass Valley, California.

If there is enough interest for another in Europe, we’ll do it. Let us know.

Another Euro-BEtreat? I'm interested!

6 + 2 =