+351 962 298 800 be@wenger-trayner.com

Last year we hosted an individual retreat for Jacquie McDonald of Southern Queensland University, Australia. She stayed with us in Grass Valley and we spent ten hours over three days, where “there was a really nice balance between the imagining and then getting down and doing it”.

Jacquie felt she got a lot out of it and we really enjoyed taking a deep dive into specific aspects of her projects, triggering new ideas, helping to consolidate dispersed ones, analyzing texts and situations, and being a critical friend to others.

It got us thinking how much we enjoy the creativity involved in customizing our frameworks and approaches to diverse situations and people. We have now widened our offerings of BEtreats (Bev Etienne retreats) to private and custom ones as well as our regular annual workshop in Grass Valley.

And let us know, if you would like to consider one for yourself or your team.

Custom BEtreats - I'm interested

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