+351 962 298 800 be@wenger-trayner.com

Creating community online

The other day we did a BEtreat workshop, originally scheduled to be face-to-face, online and over three days. It was with clients who were preparing to launch an online community of practice. The workshop generated some of the same feelings of camaraderie and joint...

Can you hear me?

It’s easy to think of participation in virtual meetings or events as second cousins. And often it is. Sound quality is poor and made worse by people not muting their mics. There are no informal spaces for serendipitous conversations. And worst of all – people...

I’ll take you with me…

“I like being carried” “I feel very taken care of” “I could only see legs in that last session” “Yikes, I’m feeling sea-sick” No, those comments don’t come from a class of kumbaya gymnastics but from online participants in our BEtreat workshop for social learning...