Three BEtreats in 2012
A primer BEtreat - July 9-13: By popular demand we are holding a "State-of-the-art BEtreat" Primer BEtreat for...

Multiple communities, identity and information anxiety
We had an interesting online conversation with members of KC Blue, the community-leader community at IBM. The meeting was hosted by Laurie Miller and Sandy Yarchin. Many of the members have followed Etienne’s writings to cultivate IBM communities so...

Evaluation framework
As communities and networks go more mainstream there is an increasing demand from organizations to have ways of monitoring their value. How can we make the connection between the activities of a community or network and the improved performance of an organization,...

New beginning!
Hello world! Our reasons for adding one more offering to the already crowded blogosphere are several. We are: excited to share some of the resources we're creating and to hear how people are using them; keen to answer some frequently answered questions; looking...